Wednesday 19 February 2014

My favourite drink this month is....

This month my favourite drink is chai latte I am addicted to this at the moment if you haven't yet tried it I would defiantly go and buy some or even go to your nearest costa or Starbucks.

It taste so delicious with its blend of green tea and spices smells like a cinnamon swirl to, I went onto drinking this as I'm abit of a tea lover and thought maybe I should cut down on the caffeine as this is 99% caffeine free , you can either have this with milk or water and both taste just as good it's quick and easy to make and you feel a lot healthier after you drink a cup of this deliciousness.

You can purchases this from waitrose im not to sure on any other stores but it's not expensive either for a pot of this is about £3.00 

Write on the comments if you like chai latte and if there are any other teas you recommend I'd love to try new ones!


  1. I am a huge fan of green tea and love drinking loads during the week instead of juice I will have to try this but find it might taste odd with milk :P I guess I will have to try and see thanks for sharing this the brand looks/sounds amazing xx

  2. Hey same I'm such a green tea lover! But honestly this is amazing with milk so yummy you won't be disappointed that's okay! I'm here to share :D xx <3
